I feel so lucky to have found Brandy's yoga class. From the moment I walked in I knew that she was a teacher of a special kind. Her decades of experience were evident in her depth of teaching. She is not just any teacher. She has a vast knowledge the yogic practice, the body, the ethereal bodies, healing foods/oils/herbs, alternative medicines, the brain, breathwork, meditation and I could go on and on. Every single class took me into another dimension, plus gave a good healthy workout.  Each class also became community and some of the friends made there will be friends for life. - Katherine D. Los Angeles

There is a saying: “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear”. This is how it happened to me. Brandy became my teacher at a vital time in my life. The  yoga Brandy taught me was full of exploration, variety, history and connection to all humanity and the Universe. Brandy’s energy body is palpable affecting the student’s practice, expanding it, transforming it. Brandy sees life as a multi-faceted wonder that includes the movements of constellations, the indiviual planets, stars, cycles of one’s life, environment of one’s classroom, psychic connections and everything in between. One’s yoga practice, when done under the teaching of Brandy, becomes it's own multi-faceted wonder. One’s life can become that. - Ellen V. 

Brandy is an extraordinary teacher on so many levels. Just go and see for yourself. - Vaida C.

I was fortunate to find Brandy at a pivotal time in my life.  She taught me during the transition of my father’s passing and while I cared for my mother through breast cancer. Brandy’s yoga classes were pure magic. It’s rare for a teacher to hold such a space. I remember so clearly, I sat on a cloud and God's rays lit my cranium. Such peace filled me during my time in Brandy’s presence. I am forever grateful for the foundation that was laid during those early days.  - Cynthia P. Los Angeles

Brandy already has a rare gift of cutting through the density of the subconscious blocks. It’s happens much quicker when the breathwork is added to the mix. Everyone is telling me I look so young! That alone is worth the price of admission for me. I am not an easy client and I know it. Her patience with me has indeed allowed be to embrace the Grace. Melanie B.

“Working with Brandy was deep and transformative. One breathwork session was like 10 years of therapy, no joke, a truly life changing experience. She helped me reconnect wiith my own breath, my creativity and now I have an empowered new direction in my life. She provides a safe and nurturing space which is necessary with this process. I cannot recommend Brandy enough. She is  the read deal. She is really here to help others. She is the one that can take you from the darkest corner to the brightest Light. I’m so grateful to her and the tools she’s given me. “ - Teddi G. 

Brandy took me through a 3-day transcendental meditation initiation process via Skype. I went from not being able to ever quiet my mind or even sit still for more than 2 minutes to meditating 20 minutes twice a day! I’m amazed at how quickly it started to make a difference in my life. My practice has granted me a calm I had never experienced and I am relaxed in the midst of drama. I also notice I have so much more energy during the week. Others notice too by saying, what are you doing? You have a calm and a glow about you. Brandy is a gifted teacher who is very passionate about helping others. I recently heard someone say “the act of teaching is pure love and the act of pure service” that pretty much describes my experience with Brandy. - Dee B. North Carolina

I met Brandy when I booked a psychic reading with her. I was unaware that she had history in rebirthing breathwork. I had many rebirthing experiences in my heyday, and I was surprised to learn that she had studied directly with my original rebirthers. I booked a session. She is definitely designed to do this work. She creates an incredible safe and angelic space. And while it had been a while, I was able to quickly fall into a breathing rhythm that provided me with a release I didn't even know I was holding on to. During the session my deceased grandmother appeared to me which was the last thing I thought would happen! I released a lot of grief. I feel like I merged into a new place of aliveness, I mean I am alive! Brandy is a hoot too. She’s got an incredible sense of humor and she intuitively knows when to marry this into the most fragile moments. If you are new to breathwork Brandy is your gal. – Pam S.

Brandy is completely amazing and has changed my life for the better! I came to her through a recommendation from my reiki person and we started with a psychic reading. That was great. i had some deep rooted family issues so we went through the 10 week rebirthing process together; it was better than anything else i have ever done for myself. it was at times uncomfortable, as a lot of issues start coming to the fore front through the process but on the other side i have released anxiety, my mind no longer races with thoughts i cannot control, and i have a general sense of peace and increased focus.  After one particular session i felt so good i was pounding on the floor and laughing because i could not believe how little i had paid to feel so great!!! i cannot recommend her enough. i had never heard of rebirthing before, i didn't realize i knew people that had done it (i found them later among my circle) so i had nothing to base my decision on but my feeling after meeting her. my intuition was spot on, she is a gifted healer. Monte C.

My name is Nathalie and I'd like to share my rebirthing breathwork experience with Brandy. In 2014 I was going under a lot a stress, I spent a few months in Spain to be with my mother who was spending her last days in palliative care. She had breast cancer 15 years ago and bone metastasis for the last 3 years of her life. I was at that time doing a lot of personal work, trying to figure my life. Death being certain it was clear to me I wasn't fulfilled with my choices in life. I stepped into a kundalini yoga class and the energy of the room penetrated me rapidly. I was clearly unaligned with the energy in the room. A friend introduced me to Brandy. "She is a yoga teacher and also a rebirther". That's it I thought! You are the rebirther I have been looking for these past months. I did some spiritual work with mediums, numerologists and astrologers and they mentioned regressions or rebirthing would be helpful for me. I decided to undertake 10 rebirthing sessions with Brandy. I have today completed 19 sessions, one left to go. This has been a very opening journey. With downs and ups. And I am very thankful for doing this rebirthing work with Brandy. This breathwork process has brought to the surface many unconscious things I had to work on: stand up for myself, take action, get healthy, get clear on my values and purpose and take action towards fulfilling it, use my intuition and many other things. I feel like this connected breathing process hasn't just changed me but it has completely transformed me. I cannot be more grateful for the work Brandy has done and I look forward to keep working with her in the future (such as intuition, etc.) I highly recommend Brandy if you want to find your own answers, if you want to clear some layers of blocked energy or if you are ready to make positive changes in your life. You will be amazed by the journey and grateful to start this rebirthing work. - Nathalie V.

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